Sunday, November 29, 2009

- Theater Review - Cirque Dreams Illumination

First of all, this ain't really theater.

It's a gymnastics exhibition with a soundtrack and a light show.
OK, some pretty amazing gymnastic feats at that, but still just not my cuppa.

In addition to the gymnastics and a bit of magic, there was a skit involving four audience members that was cute, but predictable and much too long.

No programs were handed out for this performance...what is with that? Cost savings?

After one hour, the show abruptly stopped, and since no one had a program, people sat there wondering if it was intermission, technical problems, or a very short program. Well, it turned out to be intermission... one of the longest intermissions I can remember, nearly half an hour.

"Cirque" is of course French for "Circus", and the bottom line is this: If I want this type of fare, I will go to the circus.

This simply is not what I expect when I subscribe to the Broadway Theater series.

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